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Your unwanted shoes save lives

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Isn’t that a fantastic thing? Your old unwanted shoes that are just laying around in your closet can save someone’s life. Did you know you had that power? Well you do, with the help of The Shoeman Water Projects!

I have had the good fortune of meeting the founder of Shoeman Water Projects, George Hutchings, on several occasions over the years and to learn about his ministry. It is amazing to me the power that each one of us has to really change the world if we believe we can. George had already been collecting shoes for children in Kenya for many years when he learned that literally thousands of children were dying because they did not have any access to fresh water. Can you imagine not being able to get a drink of water when you wanted it? I can’t.

George sells the shoes he collects for 35 cents per pound. This is how he funds the purchase of water drilling equipment to drill for fresh water in Kenya. The shoes end up in South America where people can buy them for pennies as well. To learn more about this ministry, visit their website

Can’t you take a few minutes out of your busy day to gather your old, unwanted shoes and drop them off at one of the many drop off locations available for this? Don’t you want to save a life? I know I do. For other great green recycling options, visit our partnering website The Stuff Stop.

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