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Category: Office Organization

Managing your email inbox – Part III

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Some say empty your inbox every day, some say set a limit to how many emails you’re comfortable with. My limit is one screen (i.e. no scrolling). My inbox is limited to things I need to do right away or that are so important I want them staring me in the face until they’re done. After you’ve cleared your inbox, it’s time to deal with the ones you need to act on or to keep for reference. First, we’ll set up easy to remember folders in your inbox. Create as many as you like. This is just one method for… read more »

Managing your email inbox – Part II

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Yesterday’s post talked about the power of deleting emails. Today’s post is about doing your emails. There’s a great rule which basically says if you can do this in 2 minutes or less, do it now. That’s because it will take less time to finish the action in 2 minutes than it will take to park it somewhere else for later and go back to it. So just get it over with—it’s a great feeling! If the task is really important, needs to be done now, but will take more than 2 minutes, keep it right where it is in… read more »

Managing your email inbox – Part I

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In today’s world, we are bombarded with information at a much higher rate than in years past. One of the biggest culprits is email. If you’re honest with yourself, probably 80% of what lands in your inbox can be deleted immediately or after a quick scan. Imagine if you get 50 to 100 emails a day, 40 to 80 of those can be deleted in a few minutes! How would it feel to have only 10 to 20 emails you need to really think about each day? Here are some guidelines to use for deleting: Junk, spam or chain letters:… read more »

Keeping accurate mileage record

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As a small business owner there are so many things to keep track of for your taxes. One of which is keeping track of your mileage. It can be a struggle to make sure it is tracked and documented all year. Either you forget to mark it down, you forget to bring a piece of paper to mark it on, or you lose the paper you marked it on. That can all be resoved with the Adams Vehicle Mileage Log AFR10. You can find these handy little books at Office Depot, Fed Ex Kinkos or several other places at a… read more »

Where did I put that email?

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When you stop to think about how much time you waste (lose) searching for things, and the amount of stress it causes, you will understand the value of taking the time to get things organized. You will gain back the time you spent getting organized in no time, and you will save lots more time and stress on top of that! These days we all spend alot of time on the computer. How many times have you wasted valuable time looking for documents that you know are on your computer, somewhere? It is important to set up your electronic filing… read more »

Suffering from email overload?

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Go through ALL of the emails currently in your inbox, one by one, and decide what you need each email for. Create folders in your inbox with the following names and move each email into the appropriate folder once you make the decision on each of them. Reference: Is this something that I don’t necessarily have to see as it comes in but I need to keep it for future reference? Action: Is this something that I need to do something with or take action on? Pleasure: Is this something that I subscribed to because I am interested in reading… read more »

Perfectly productive

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Look at the dramatic difference in this after picture from our Messiest Desk Contest. Imagine how much more productive the client will be now that they are organized and not distracted by all of the visual clutter. Here are some simple tips on how to set up a productive, stress-free work environment: Keep the things you use the most within fingertip reach. Keep the things you use often within arms reach. Keep the things you use rarely the furthest away. Everything on or in your desk, and in your office, should be assigned a home based on it’s use. Don’t… read more »

Where’s my desktop?

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One of our areas of expertise, and an area we love to coach people on is paper management and workflow. So many people struggle in this area. It’s a real joy to be able to teach someone how simple it really can be to be more productive if you take the time to set up systems and processes for your paperwork, tasks and stuff. Does your desk look like the one in the picture? If so, this is what it’s costing you to not take the time and get organized: Time and money Negative feelings such as depression and feeling… read more »

Increase productivity in the office

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Taking the time up-front to get organized in the office results in a large number of benefits including increased productivity, reduced stress and more time to work on what really matters. Here are some good ground rules to get you started on your desktop: Keep those items that you use frequently within your fingertips reach. Keep those items that you use a little less frequently within your arms reach. Keep those items that you rarely use somewhere else such as in a supply cabinet, on a shelf or on top of a filing cabinet. Assign a home for each task… read more »

De-clutter your small business

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As a small business owner myself, I understand the challenges other small business owners are faced with. More often than not paperwork, filing and electronic information are seen as the enemy. It is a struggle to keep everything in order, pay everything on time and keep up with the constant stream of incoming information. Here at Simplified Living Solutions, we are passionate about helping small business owners set up systems to manage your paperwork and electronic information so that you can focus on what’s really important, selling your product, delivering your service, or exceeding the expectations of your clients. By… read more »

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