Organizing Results: Before & After Pictures
Case Study 1 – Clutter Control & Organizing
Clutter sneaks in to our home and office with little to no effort from us. Eventually it leaves us feeling beat down, overwhelmed and stressed out! Not knowing where to start, or what to do with all of the stuff, only adds to the confusion and eventually leaves you feeling defeated and depressed. We specialize in helping people whose home or office has been taken over by clutter.
“I love your commitment, encouragement, support, enthusiasm and guidance! I am enjoying my home so much more now. I can do what brings me pleasure, rather than feeling overwhelmed by my stuff. I have more time now since I can easily find the things I need. And, I can open my front door wide and invite anyone in without having any second thoughts.” ~ Pam
Though Pam had always dreamed of living in a beautifully organized home, getting and staying organized was never easy for her. She didn’t understand the concept or the necessary steps to achieve organization. She had always felt the stress of not being able to find what she needed, the hassle and expense of buying things she already had but couldn’t find and the daily loss of a peaceful place to go to sit and refresh. Many nights she would sit in a local restaurant or in her car for hours just to avoid going home.
She had always fantasized about calling a professional organizer, but she was too scared and embarrassed to let anyone see her mess. Once she finally mustered up the courage to call us, she was sorry she hadn’t done it years earlier!
Working together, we sorted through her belongings and helped her make decisions about which things she really needed, used or loved. Then we set up each space in her home so that she could easily find the things she needed. She was surrounded only by those things that she loved or that inspired her. Most importantly, she was able to enjoy her home and invite friends and family over again.
Case Study 2 – Downsizing, Rightsizing & Moving
After years and years of accumulating stuff, the thought of downsizing is both paralyzing and overwhelming for most people. Adding to the normal stress associated with moving, sorting through years of accumulations is difficult physically, emotionally and mentally. We specialize in helping clients through this difficult transition.
“Thank you a thousand times over! Working with your team was wonderful! I have never felt this together!” ~ Lisa
Though Lisa had moved several times in the last 30+ years, she had never made a practice of sorting through her stuff to eliminate the unnecessary or excessive stuff before each move. Since her employer had always paid her moving expenses, she would just have the movers pack up and move everything – all of her treasured trinkets, gadgets, clothes, etc. But after living in her current home for 11 years and recently retiring, she knew this move was going to be different.
She knew it was time to downsize and face all of her stuff head-on so that she would only have to move the things she really needed and loved. She also knew she couldn’t do it alone! Because she had a very large home, we brought in a team of organizers to sort items, bag up trash/donations and pre-pack the unnecessary items so that her house would look less cluttered and sell quicker. We organized everything she was keeping so that when she moved, all of her stuff would already be organized and could quickly find a home in her new place.
Case Study 3 – Paper Management
Even though we’ve moved into the electronic age, we can’t get away from paperwork. Paper piles take over our desk, our kitchen counters and tables – and even our floors! We lose important bills, reminders, notices, gift cards and checks in those piles. Sorting through piles and piles of paperwork can feel daunting, scary and overwhelming. We specialize in helping people tackle their paper piles. Working together, we’ll sort through and process your paperwork – creating filing systems, habits and methods to manage the daily flow of paperwork in and back out of your home or office.
“I feel so much lighter walking into my office space now! It’s very helpful to have all of the projects and to-dos corralled in one place together, right in front of me, but not all over my desk. Having an established plan and place for the paperwork to land has taken the pressure off as well! I could have never done this without you!” ~ Naomi
We met Naomi when she was chosen as the winner of our Messiest Desk Contest. The prize was a free desk makeover. Not only was there paperwork strewn about here and there in no specific order, there were many Post-it® notes sticking on any available open space. Although Naomi’s home office was originally set up in a corner of her small diningroom and kitchen area, paper piles and office supplies had taken over the entire diningroom space which resulted in her family never being able to sit down and enjoy a meal together. Plus the unorganized chaos was causing everyone in the family a great deal of stress!
We created a filing system to house her reference papers and an “action system” to hold and process paperwork that needed action taken on them. We set up a designated place for incoming mail and paperwork, and a place for things that needed to be filed. In addition, we captured all of the important information jotted on those Post-it® notes in an organized reference binder for quick access. Finally, we organized the rest of the desk so that it would be useful and functional, yet also a peaceful place where she could focus easily on the task at hand. Lastly, her family began enjoying meals together again!