Being more productive at home just takes planning. If you take the time to map out your day in advance, you will get so much more accomplished, and you will have more time to spend doing the things you love to do.
Here’s a short example of how you can simplify your day and be more productive:
- Determine the things you need to get done that day. Let’s say I need to buy a present for a baby shower, drop the kids off for school and pick them up later, do two loads of laundry, do dishes, pick up laundry detergent and diapers, get my oil changed, cook dinner and make two calls.
- Establish which task is the biggest, or that you are dreading the most, and do that first when your energy level is at it’s highest.
- Combine projects so that you can accomplish two things at once.
Your day might look like this once you’ve mapped it out:
- Put load of laundry in.
- Drop kids off at school.
- Put roast, potatoes and carrots in crock pot.
- Put next load of laundry in.
- Do dishes.
- Make phone calls.
- Put last load of laundry into dryer.
- Eat lunch.
- Get oil change done close enough to a store that you can walk over to while they are changing the oil. Grab detergent, diapers and baby shower gift.
- Pick the kids up from school.
- Enjoy the rest of the day!