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Rid yourself of the weight that’s holding you back

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If you want to finish the race of life, if you want to make it to the finish line, you’re going to have to let go of some things that may be holding you back in the race. Call it decluttering; call it simplifying; there are some things that need to be laid aside in order to finish well.

What kind of things am I talking about? The things that cause you to get discouraged or weigh you down. Think of it this way. If you attach one light bulb to a battery, the battery will run for a long time. If you attach 100 light bulbs to a battery, it will go dim and dark really quick!

When you keep adding things to your schedule and your life, you will quickly become discouraged and tired. A weight is anything that slows you down. It could be a relationship, a job, an activity, or a sport. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. A weight can be a good thing, but if you get too many good things in your life, you’re going to collapse because you don’t have time for all of them. You need to learn to say no to grow. God doesn’t expect you to do everything.

Whatever the weight is, if it isn’t working in your life, if it’s dragging you down, you need to let it go.

Today’s blog post is an excerpt from Rick Warren’s daily Purpose Driven Connection Daily Devotional. Sign up for it here.

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