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Great resources for meal planning

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People are often embarrassed for some reason that I instinctively know how to organize (and love every second of it) and they don’t. Truth be told, I bet there’s a bunch of you that instinctively know how to cook (and love every second of it) and are brilliant at it. I am not – and that’s putting it mildly.

For those of you that can actually tell how something is going to taste just by reading the recipe, this blog’s for you. Following are some great meal planning resources available online. Enjoy!

E-Mealz is very reasonably priced and will create menus and grocery lists from whatever grocery store you want for only $1.25 a month. It looks like they even have specialty grocery lists available (low-fat, gluten-free, etc.).

Spark People has meal plans calorie counter, recipes, motivation and more. It even has an iPhone app!

Mealboard will store your recipes, create weekly meal plans and generate your grocery list!

What other great ones do you use or know about?

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