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Getting organized is like going on a diet

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Being overweight is a daily downer; your clothes don’t fit, you don’t feel good physically or mentally and you have less energy than you would otherwise. Unfortunately, I know this first hand.

Being disorganized is a daily downer; you can’t find what you need, you miss appointments, your stress level is high and you suffer mentally from it (depression, anxiety, etc).

Since we don’t find ourselves overweight or disorganized overnight, it is unrealistic to think it is going to go away over night, or without some work. Most people don’t want to do the work that is required to change their situation. They want to buy an easy fix, such as diet books they read but don’t implement, buying a treadmill but not using it, buying diet pills, etc. I have not worked with one client that doesn’t have at least one book on how to get organized, several cute organizing containers and unused organizing systems they bought but never opened.

Getting organized, like getting back in shape, requires:

  • Commitment – You must make a mental commitment that you are going to do it no matter what it takes.
  • Patience – You have to realize that it is going to take some time to reach your goal so that you won’t just give up.
  • Work & Time – It is going to take lots of work & time upfront. You are already losing this time and productivity daily by being disorganized.
  • Maintenance – Getting organized, or back in shape, is not a destination. You never officially arrive there and then quit working at it.
  • Systems – You must have systems or a plan for how you will keep it up.
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