Today’s blog post comes from Harold Taylor of Taylor In Time. What a great reminder.
Make a list of the people you really enjoy spending time with. How much time did you spend with those people during the past week? Last month? Last year? Chances are there are people – perhaps family members – who are being crowded out of your life because of your busyness. Some people are so busy networking; they have little time for anyone who is not a business associate.
Be careful that you don’t allow the people who count to be crowded out by things that don’t. Our choices in life have multiplied exponentially during the past decade. We can cruise the Internet, take photos with cell phones, play games on our laptops, scan hundreds of channels on our flat screen plasma HD TV set, send email with our Blackberry, listen to our favorite music on an iPod, ad infinitum. We could spend a lifetime reading instruction manuals for electronic toys and household gadgets.
It’s a life of choices. And the problem is there are too many of them. If we are not careful, what we do may not reflect our true values. We must make sure that we don’t lose sight of what’s really important.
Take that list of people, for instance. To ensure that you will spend adequate time with them, make commitments now. Schedule time in your planner next week or next month for a coffee, luncheon or night on the town. Never end a conversation with a good friend by saying, “Let’s get together sometime.” Instead, say, “Let’s schedule a time when we can get together.” Then do it.