I’m writing today about a dream of mine that has finally come true. I’ve always been passionate about connecting people’s unwanted stuff with people who need that very stuff. I was passionate about this long before I became a professional organizer and that passion has only gotten stronger since I began seeing how much stuff was ending up in landfills. Last Wednesday I launched a new website that I created called The Stuff Stop®.
The Stuff Stop®. is a FREE nationwide community resource that helps people dispose of the things they no longer need, use or love in a responsible, green way that helps others. With just a simple click of your mouse, you’ll be provided with information on various local charities and ministries that will help you connect your unwanted stuff with people in your area who need it, or you’ll be given options for recycling, shredding or disposing of your unwanted stuff in a green way rather than ending up in a landfill.
The Stuff Stop®. was created in response to the question we hear so often from people who are ready to part with their belongings – “I don’t want this but I don’t want to throw it away. What should I do with it?”.
You can also like The Stuff Stop® on Facebook.