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Overwhelmed & paralyzed? A professional can help

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I tend to have a natural knack for decorating and arranging rooms so that they look spacious, inviting and peaceful. As a matter of fact, this is something that comes so naturally to me, that I do this for our clients in their homes on a daily basis.

However, I recently found myself overwhelmed and paralyzed about how to transform my kitchen. I’ve hated the red kitchen in my house since the day I bought it 7 years ago but never had time to do anything about it until now.

To redo my kitchen, there were so many decisions to make. So many things to match. So many choices to make about each thing I wanted to change (i.e. TILE: what size, shape, color, what it’s made of, etc). I couldn’t figure out how to find a counter top that would match the floor tiles and the cabinets, how to find a paint to match everything, and on and on.

The entire time I went through this process, I understood first-hand how our clients that want to get organized feel. There are so many decisions to make about everything when you try to get organized – where to start, what to keep, what to do with stuff you’re not keeping, where to put the stuff, etc. Our clients feel overwhelmed and paralyzed about getting organized just like I felt about redoing my kitchen.

When you hire a professional organizer, we help you make all of those difficult decisions, we help break down the tedious process for you and we actually make it fun. Knowing the value that we bring our clients by helping them break down the process for them, I knew I had to call in a professional to help me with the kitchen.

Thankfully, we have Mimi Burns on our team. She has a degree in interior design and loves helping people do exactly what I was doing. She made the process so darn easy for me by finding out what I was trying to achieve and then limiting my choices to just a few that led me in the right direction. She told me what stores to go to AND then she even met me there. With Mimi’s help, I was able to achieve exactly what I wanted to achieve in my kitchen without all of the pressure and stress I was feeling without her help.

If you’re overwhelmed and paralyzed at the thought of getting organized, invest in our services. Just as I wasn’t sorry that I had to invest in professional services to reach my goals, you won’t be sorry either. Give us a call at 314-221-5232!

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