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One step at a time

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Don’t you just love those TV shows about organizing and home make-overs where the house or office is completely transformed in a matter of 30 minutes or so? Unfortunately, organizing someone’s entire space for them all at once does not work. At least not for any length of time.

I have worked with many, many clients who’s homes and offices are completely taken over by their stuff. Many times you cannot even find a clear path to walk through the home. If someone were to come in and completely transform their home for them, unbelievably, it would go back to the same state it was in originally in very quick time.

In order to get things organized, and keep things organized, it’s important to do one space, area or room at a time. This way the client has time to learn how to maintain just that one space, area or room. This time is spent learning where everything goes, tweaking anything that’s not working, creating habits to return everything to their proper homes daily and so on. Once the client has mastered keeping the area organized, then you can move to a new space or area. Trying to maintain too many newly organized rooms or areas at a time normally will result in failure.

Remember, one step at a time! (But at least take that one step.)

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