It’s so funny how people that clean houses never take the time to clean their own. People that build websites never take the time to keep their own updated. Well, I’ve been so busy helping others get organized that I’ve let my own space go and it’s driving me crazy. So I am going to tackle them this week, beginning with my closet.
I am dreading this as much as any of my clients do. Why? Because it is so time consuming, depressing because I’ll have to face the fact that most of my cute clothes don’t fit anymore because I’ve gained weight and because I won’t be able to ignore the fact that I don’t really have many clothes that fit. That means I’ll have to go shopping for new clothes and I hate shopping. Plus it’s an expense I can’t afford right now.
I’m no different than my clients in the respect that I am putting off organizing my own spaces because I don’t want to deal with everything I mentioned above. Yet I am really being weighed down daily because I am trying to pretend like there’s not a problem. But everyday I grab the same clothes to wear. Why? Because I don’t want to have to sift through twenty shirts that I know probably don’t fit me anymore to find one that does. So by putting off decluttering my closet, I am faced with this dilemma daily. Once I take the time to declutter, I won’t be weighed down by it every day. Decluttering and organizing are very empowering acts. I’m certain at least 80% of what’s in my closet will end up getting donated because I can’t wear it anymore. Why don’t you tackle a closet with me and let me know how it goes?