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All it takes is baby steps

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When you feel overwhelmed by your clutter or disorganization, it’s paralyzing. You don’t have a clue where to even begin because the problem seems so big. If you can at least begin making some type of baby steps, you will eventually advance to bigger steps. But it all starts with just baby steps.

I’ve been struggling with my weight for the last few years and I often reflect on how similar losing weight is to getting organized. There isn’t a simple or quick fix for either of them. Many of our clients would love to just buy a book on organizing or buy a cute organizing product and have that solve all of their problems with no effort from them. I would love nothing more than to take a magical pill to lose the weight. But it’s just not possible. Both require dedication, hard work and maintenance.

Part of what paralyzed me from taking action on my weight was I was looking at the issue with an all or nothing attitude. Meaning that I felt like I had to do everything necessary to lose weight – exercise, eat more fruits and vegetables, eat less desserts and sweets, drink lots of water, etc. or do nothing. So I kept taking the easier route by choosing to do nothing at all. Sound familiar?

I’d like to share a few baby steps from my weight-loss journey so that hopefully it will motivate and empower you to take baby steps in your organizing journey. I’d love to hear about your progress.

  • I began drinking ONE glass of water in addition to the many caffeinated drinks I consumed each day. – You could begin by letting go of one item you don’t need, love or use anymore each day or week.
  • I then began replacing one of my caffeinated drinks each day with a glass of water. – You could commit to not bring anything new into the house without letting go of something in its place.
  • I then began drinking three 32 oz glasses of water a day before I would reward myself with my first caffeinated drink of the day. – You could begin letting go of 3 (or more) things you don’t need, love or use before you reward yourself with something new that you want.
  • Now I drink water all day and only allow myself 1 caffeinated drink a day. I’ve got to be honest with you, I still haven’t mastered this 100% but it’s what I am striving for. – You could make yourself take an honest look at your surroundings and notice all of the things you don’t need. You don’t have to act on it, just begin noticing all of the useless, unnecessary stuff you have clogging up your life.
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